Formation: Le partenariat en recherche – Session printemps 2024

We are excited to announce the next round of our training program on patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) in clinical research, co-developed by the Patient Lab at UNIL-CHUV, the Réseau PartneREC and Patients partenaires PP+3P at HUG.

« Le partenariat avec les patient·e·s et le public en recherche clinique »

This course will be held over 3 half-days and will be organised by the Centres des formations at HUG and at CHUV. It is targeted at all patients, caregivers, researchers, and healthcare professionals that are eager to engage in PPIE in research.

Dates and registration

One session per year will be held each at HUG and at CHUV. Participants of both institutions can take part in either session. The course will aim for a balanced number of patient/caregiver and researcher/healthcare professional participants.

La session du printemps 2024 aura lieu au CHUV :

  • Vendredi 08 mars 2024: Module 1 – Les fondements du partenariat
    13h30 à 17h (CHUV BH08, Séminaire 3)
  • Vendredi 15 mars 2024 : Module 2 – Les bases du partenariat en recherche
    13h30 à 17h (CHUV BH08, Séminaire 3)
  • Vendredi 22 mars 2024 : Module 3 – Les conditions d’un partenariat réussi
    13h30 à 17h (CHUV BH08, Séminaire 3)

This training is free of charge for all CHUV and HUG members, as well as for patients and caregivers.

La session d’automne 2024 aura lieu aux HUG

We hope to see you there!