Tuesday, May 2 2023 at 12h30, the next edition of the Café de la recherche organised by the University Hospitals Geneva (HUG) will take place:
« Le partenariat en recherche : comment apprendre à se connaître et se comprendre ? »
This café will be a unique opportunity to discover the very first training program in public and patient partnership in research, targeted simultaneously at researchers and patient partners, and developed conjointly by the PartneREC network, the Patient Lab, and the program Patients partenaires PP+3P.

This café will be presented by:
- Prof. Nadia Elia, privat-docent (UNIGE) and assistant physician in the Department of Anesthesiology HUG, co-leader of the PartneREC Network, HUG
- Dr Tourane Corbière, co-leader of the PartneREC Network, HUG and patient partner and project manager at the Patient Lab, CHUV-UNIL
- Sandrine Jonniaux, head of the program Patients partenaires + 3P, HUG
- Klara Soukup, communications responsible of the Patient Lab, CHUV-UNIL
Sandwich and coffee will be provided: come and exchange during your lunch break!
We hope to see you there!